


Watched a fantastic video about celebrating babies in Islam's ways. Interesting. When I watched it for 6:53 minutes. Something came to me. Having my own baby, one day. Hehe. Tengah perasan kejap.

Sunnah Rasulullah Sambut Bayi

While watching it. I rub my tummy and say :

Wahai, anak-anak ummi in the future. Ummi sayang korang dunia akhirat. Jaga ummi bebaik. Ummi tak sabar nak tengok korang satu hari nanti. Ummi tak sabar nak merasa 9 bulan mengandungkan anak-anak ummi. Ummi tak sabar nak lahirkan anak-anak ummi, satu hari nanti. Tak sabar nak pegang dan dengar tangisan korang. Walaupun kesabaran diuji ketika kamu hendak membesar. Ummi akan berusaha menjaga korang. Ummi minta. Beriman pada yang satu, ye anak-anak ummi. Belajar pandai-pandai. Bukan sahaja ilmu dunia, tapi ilmu akhirat juga. Jadi anak-anak berguna dunia akhirat. Jadi anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah. Ummi nak anak-anak ummi tahu yang ummi sayangkan anak-anak ummi sangat. Ummi cakap begini sebab ummi nak korang tahu bertapa sayangnya ummi dekat korang walaupun ummi belum berkahwin, belum hidupnya kamu dalam perut ummi, belum bentuk rupa kamu dalam perut ummi, belum tentu hidup atau mati kamu dalam perut ummi, mahupun belum tentu ummi hidup sebelum kenal suami dan anak-anak ummi di masa akan datang. Ummi sayangkan korang sangat. Maafkan ummi sekiranya ummi buat silap sebelum ummi mengandungkan kamu. Tapi ummi tetap sayangkan anak-anak ummi. Doa ummi walaupun anak-anak ummi masih belum bentuk lagi. Belum ummi nampak future tu. Ummi sentiasa doakan yang anak-anak ummi berjaya, soleh, beriman pada ALLAH SWT. Ingat pesan ummi. DIA yang bentuk. DIA yang mencipta. DIA yang memberi. Sekiranya kita tidak suka. Without hesitate, ALLAH akan tarik balik.Sekiranya ummi bertemu ajal ketika kamu membesar. Jaga ayah kamu. Sayangi dia juga. Jangan ambil kesempatan kepada yang menyanyangi kita dengan ikhlas. Berjaya? Ucap Alhamdulillah. Tak berjaya? Ucap Alhamdulillah. Setiap percakapan dan perbuatan kita. ALLAH nampak. Sampai di sini saja pesan ummi. Ummi sayangkan anak-anak ummi sangat.



Patience My Dear.


I was updating my new blog ( A2M@photobingkai ). While busy updating it. I read a blog. A conversation between a woman, Bedah and her friend, Milah. The conversation was about feelings, respect, appreciation and thankful. I got eager to read it. Because it sounds interesting. So, the conversation sounds like this :

Bedah has a problem. Where her bf are much different than she has ever known. They are in relationship for almost 5 years. Bedah got no one to share her sadness. So, she shared with her close friend, Milah. Bedah got fight with her bf. She said that she feels like her bf doesn't appreciate of her. Bedah wants him to spend a good time with her. She said. Everytime she spend time with him. At first things went well. Laugh. They started a good conversation until her bf started to open something that offended her. She couldn't defends herself with all his words. She stayed silent. She said after 5 years of relationship. She knew his style. Defends herself in raising up her opinion. Isn't getting her relationship goes well. Obey and respect his voice were the answers.

Bedah even said. Whenever she wanted to share her hard day with him. He sort of like Like I Bother. But she stayed strong. That is why she hardly shared her hard time with him. Because she knew, he couldn't bother. She shared almost every happiness in her life to him. She said he is working. She knows that he is tired and busy. So she give her heart a strong wall of bricks to not to spoil his day by hearing her problems.

There was one time. She wanted him to be there whenever she falls. Just because of his tiredness. She accidentally expressed her feelings towards him with all accusation and redemption on him. And end up to be called a moron. She felt guilty. She pujuk him back. Because don't want to loose him. She loves him so much. It looks like she forget her feelings and her happiness. Just for him.

She loves him so much. She wanted him to feel that she is the only one he could ever want it. She said "he did. He do love me". But whenever fights. He couldn't care about her. And he said she deserve the treat more than never. Ouch! She worried that his man may slip away. So she bowed lower herself. And begged his man to not to go.

She admit. There is a lot of harsh words came from his mouth. Due to her attitude. She pushed him too hard. Just to know things that she don't know. According to him that she disrespect him as a man. She still wanting him. Because she knows that one day. He will change. That is why she keep standing still in loving him.

Bedah even said that she isn't a good gf anyway. She pushed him. She accused him. But with all of that. What I read. She said she deserve the treat.

She said that he admit. He hates her a lot. Never listen to him. She down. And she said whatever comes from him. She admit. Sometimes she do hate him too. But unable to tell him that. She feels sad if she hates him. Because before this. He once told her that. There is a time where people doesn't appreciate him. He came from a broken family. He don't have anybody to care and love him. Sometimes, his friends took advantage on him. He feel sad and unappreciated. That is why she unable to tell him that she hates his words to her. Because she wanted him to feel that she is the only one he can feel appreciated and love. So she back down. She forget her sadness. Just wanted to make her man happy. So, she swollen the feelings of hate towards him inside. And keep it tightly. Without slipping it away. "He also wanted to break up with me". she begged him not to.

She loves him and wanted him to appreciate and feels she is the only one for him. But he seems forget his place. But still she loyal to him. She has been cursed and mocked. She still wanted him.

Kesian kot dekat Bedah ni.

With all the time spending with her friend listening to it. Milah said this :

Let Allah do HIS work, dear. Be patience. If you still love him. That is what you decide. Keep on praying good thing to your love ones. Perhaps, HE is testing both parties to feel the pressure of HIS test. See how loyal actually you to HIM. Not you to him. HE wants HIS ummah to put strong faith on HIM. Not to him. Bedah, this is just the beginning. HE won't simply give things that can't be manage by HIS ummah

I wasn't teaching you. Is just that. As a woman. It is true we need to obey husband for jannah. Tell me, how to obey if he disrespect us? Men put the afford to find a good women for future life. But if he himself couldn't deal a test that has been given by Allah. How can he leads you to jannah? If one day he got married. His wife did mistake where he sees hers but not his. Do he needs to say Aku ceraikan ko talak 1 or 2 or 3? If he did that. then problems come. The next wife did the same mistake like his ex-wife. Sampai bila nak main talak? Bukan laki patut bimbing kita ke? If he knows he is a man. He should have know his duty as a man. A leader. At the same time. Change yourself to be a better muslimah. Tak rugi apa-apa pun jadi muslimah baik di mata ALLAH kan? Untung ko juga. Think about it.

That was it. Short but deep. Hope Bedah is doing okay. Milah is a good friend. Cam dalam cerita Setia Hujung Nyawa :

Kalau tak merasa derita, takkan rasa nikmat bahagia.

Bear in mind!

Be strong, woman! Lets be a good muslimah. For sure will be happy forever. Peace!



Complain's Day


Wow! It has been awhile. Kinda missing blogging. Not for real. For fun. Haha! (Tak gelak pun! Just typed it. Expression je lebih.)

Surprised! I'm still awake. Due to finish editing wedding photos. Phew! Too many stuff to keep up. Especially skill of position. FAILED! But just finish it up.

While editing photos. Currently I'm listening to P!NK's songs. MIND-BLOWING! Always love her. Actually she is kinda my inspiration. Not the way she sings and tattoo. But the way she live her life. How she embrace her fears of losing, sadness and happiness with people that she loves most. Husband, mother and Willow (P!NK's daughter).

Not going to talk about her life. If you want to know. Just google or youtube her. Simple kan?

What I'm going to say is that. How she handle her life as a singer, mother, daughter and definitely a wife to a free-style motocross jumper (Carey Hart). Life as husband and wife. Both used to be apart due to too long distance relationship. Okay! sapa tahan. Lama sangat tak jumpa. They even went for divorce once. But according to Carey. He admit that Pink is an awesome girl. Their relationship have this great chemistry. Which makes both of them decided to give both a chance to live a real husband and wife life. And finally they got it. Work things out. And got themselves a beautiful angel, Willow.

Main point of blogging?

Who doesn't feel jealous see other couples having a great and lovey dovey relationship, am I right? Who doesn't wish to have a good and long relationship? Who doesn't want happiness in relationship? Who doesn't?

The main question is, again, Why complain?

Seeing other couples happily holding hands at the park. Happily kissing each other on the mouth. Laughing like a boss! Dancing in the rain just the both of you. Saying I Love You in the public (ehem! ehem! facebook). Showing off that they should be reward as THE BEST COUPLE ON THE EARTH!

The thing is. Do they always happy? Do they always doesn't fight? Do they always in a good hand and can control each other in being happy?

We may see them good at one time. Like someone said to me "Not all of our story life needs to be express or tell to the world. Let the world know your routine. That's crap!" Agreed! But back to the main blogging. Why complain? If your relationship has up and down. And say to your partner that "Why is it hard for us to be like other couples? Always happy. Why can't you do it for me. So we could be happy. Why can't you understand me that I want like others happiness in relationship?"

When your partner say something like that. You said it hurts you. But when you said to your partner. You hope that they listen and respect your feeling instead of respecting their feelings. That is not fair. I've met a lot of couples who has up and down more worst. I asked. And they willing to share. It sad to hear. But both love each other. Situations :
  1. Parents' disagreement
  2. Background (bad education, financial etc.)
  3. Attitudes
  4. Appearance
  5. Oppinions (arguments)
  6. History (sad like shit!)
  7. And many more..
Who doesn't wish to have a good relationship. Who doesn't. Everything in life. Always have up and down. It's already written in Al-Quran. Sadness come Happiness. Hardship comes Relief etc. Why complain?

Why it is so easy for some couple just break-up or divorce without work things out? Why is that so hard until started to comparing, yelling, screaming and complaining? People taught you to be tolerate. But you didn't show it. You wanted to take things easy like a slice piece of cake (yummy!) Everything must end-up by saying Goodbye! This relationship sucks! Better find the best. Life is too short to spend with someone who makes your life difficult. Why it has to be so easy? Did Allah teach us to give up in everything? You even teach yourself not to give up in something that you really want. But why for this bloody simple thing must end-up with Goodbye? Why is that so easy? If you love someone. You took her/him at the first sight and brave yourself telling that she/he is your lover. And simply saying goodbye without work things out. Why so easy?

Not all couples we see have the great life time in their relationship. Why complain if you can work things out. If both say No! Then that would different. We took each other hands. Face hardship together. Stay loyal in everything. Always come with THE TALKING. Not the talking by "I'm a man. You should listen to me. Respect my shit!" What-the-fuck! The talking means discuss each other. Handle and settle problmes just the two of you. If she/he is uncomfortable in what their partner is doing. Talk to each other. Or whatever that can lead both have a good relationship like others.

Why we need to complain that our partner sucks! Their attitude like shit! While you can sit and discuss about it. Simple as that. If you having an egoistic partner. BE PATIENT LA! DO THE TALKING. No need to say "You know what. You are worst than anybody that I know. I'm leaving you." Come one. That is not nice. Treating people in bad ways doesn't make you a good role-model. It makes you a COWARD! Being coward on something means give up.

Fights. Argument. Ego. Are normal in life. Who doesn't have that. If you think you don't have it or don't want it. It means that you don't mind to love and to dump your partner in the trash can, simple as that. That makes you a douche-bag. If you call yourself a loyal, there comes a sit and talk. Am I right? Tak baik lepas tangan!

If orang barat. Whenever there is a fight. SEX is the answer. Jangan malu nak mengaku that is true! Haha. Whether you are bf and gf. Sex is the answer. As a muslim, kalau belum kahwin. Don't agree that sex is the answer lak kan? Nak kena penampar? Haha. Then what is the best solution? SIT AND TALK! But if you married. Sex hari-hari when you have conflict with your husband/wife. Shouldn't be a problem. Kiri? Kanan? Your way! Hehe. (Warning! 18SG)

I'm still listening to Pink's songs. And my favourite are Just Give Me A Reason and True Love.

I've been listening to it for quite a time. I take the lyrics and applied it to me. And guess what. The lyrics showed that how struggle Pink is handling her life to work things out between she and her husband. Life always in up and down situation. Again, why complain?

If you think you a person which is stated as A PERSON WHO CAN'T MAKE YOUR PARTNER HAPPY. Partner, take note! But at least look at their afford in the other thing. There must be something. Where they are trying their best to work things out in any way. Whoever that always being compared and complained at. While others is now lovey dovey. I understood that your partner is hoping for a good relationship. So, BE STRONG! STAND STILL! BE ON YOUR OWN WAY! BE HUMBLE. CHILLAX! No need to complain. Lets just sit and talk. Don't you have some mercy or feel pity to your partner who always by your side in your up and down. Please la rasa appreciate! If we want somebody to respect us. We need to respect them too. Right? *Jangan cakap je tya, buat! Hehe*

Everybody have their own specialty. If we see them special in some ways. Don't bring them down. Sit and talk (besides sex!). STOP COMPLAIN! Be supportive la! Feel the appreciation. Gerenti Happy!

That's all.

I'm serious. Stop complain. Kesian la.





Random mind. Random question. And random question can be stupid.

Have you ever been in this sort of situation? Where you were doing fine in a conversation with family or friends or strangers. Suddenly, all those talks turned silent for a moment. *cricket sound!*

Random solution :
  1. Some people wanted to avoid the silent by pretending someone is texting you on the phone. Post something on the facebook or instagram or myspace or whatever. 
  2. Some people just waiting for someone to start the conversation back. So you got something to talk onwards. 
  3. Some people just giggle and really don't know why they giggled for. 
  4. And last. This one is command, I guess. Stupid question from nowhere pop-out from your mind to your mouth.
Have you been in the situation? I guess plenty of times right. I'm not going to explain the 1st until 3rd random solution. I'm going to explain the last random solution. Where I found it funny and mean for a person who thinks it Bastardy Annoying! *Hehe!*

Basically. This sort of situation happens all the times. Where we are in the good conversation. And decided not to end the conversation SNAP! just like that. You probably wanted to end with something either with laughter or conflicts or just Okay! See you tomorrow then. Bye! Get what I mean?

Some people wouldn't feel like to end the conversation with *cricket sound!*. And then comes the STUPID QUESTION. Am I right? There will be tons of question which categorize as totally stupid pop! on your head and definitely automatic flows in your mouth. Am I right? Things like this happens when you wanted to make you as an interesting person to talk with. It just simply happens. SNAP! *girls' snap! like bitch please*

Whining. Telling or sharing stories. The person who is listening. Definitely is listening, right? Angguk kepala. Like duh! When you started to talk (or mengadu laa!) And asking you a stupid question. 100% saying the listener is annoyed with you and is like *Bitch please!* And drastically react with offensive words. What you (bercakap) feel about it? If you (listener) couldn't give a damn about its feelings. Let switch the situation. Where you (listener) the one who talks like shit and ask stupid question. And the listener (orang yang bercakap kena maki) starts to react the same way. Respond with offensive words. How do you feel?

When you at work. You've made a mistake. And you were called stupid. You may respond "Sorry! boss. I'm stupid." Hell shit. Not going to happen. Deep down you. You swear like a sir! Same respond. But different situation.

What I'm trying to say is. What will happen if we keep on doing this. And turn it into a habit. What will happen to you? To the people who take but not giving it back?

Imagine if you are married with children or single but have a small brother or sister. Come towards your bad day. Suddenly without a warning! They ask you a stupid question. You say "Bodoh la KAU! Tanya soalan bodoh. Takde keje lain ke?" or "Bodoh! Bangang! KAU memang bodoh. A simple task couldn't be fix. WHat is this? KAU memang BODOH!"


Hurm. Masya ALLAH. Astagfirulallah Alazim *sebak bila bayang* What happen? (May Allah protect us and prevent us to become ego and bersifat mazmummah. If this simple task which actually were given by ALLAH SWT. You seems can't handle it. Do you call yourself a good adviser? A good khalifah? A good muslimah?

Think about it!

We all wanted to be a good person. We may be accused of something bad. But if you admit you a good muslim and muslimah and person. Do we have to be that way?Yes it is true. Accept it in a positive way. But how far the positive way is going to be? How far? And yes it is true. The one who ask needs to be more tanya soalan tengok tempat and masa. But how far will we becoming this?

If a married husband and wife. Imagine husband came back tired. Wife is being quiet and grab your bag and salam. And with a second. Serve you dinner and everything. Will you go on with your life without talking to your wife? If your wife accidentally ask stupid question on your bad day which they don't really know what happen. You curse! How they feel about it? And lets switch the husband and wife things to the same situation. Tahu lak kau isteri tak cium syurga! Kau tu cium tak syurga? Mula la. Mula la. Isn't it teaching in a appopriate way leads to jannah for both gender? Leads to happy life? And take this situation and switch the married couple to mom, dad, sister, brother or anyone.I'm not judging. But isn't all of this things were answered by ALLAH SWT in Al-Quran?


We hope for people to change, drastically. But have we change for becoming a better than good person? Lets do it for the sake of ALLAH. May HE bless our life until the last breath of ours.


Ya Allah. Though I'm never be good person in people eyes. But hopefully my afford is trying hard for YOU. Will be better forever. Amin...

Wahai manusia!
Usahlah engkau bangga dengan apa yàng kau terima! Bahkan perendahkan diri engkau pada KU. Ucapkan Alhamdulillah. Agar KU tahu bahawa setiap atas dan bawah. AKU berikan. Engkau terima seadanya.

What has Mufti Ismail Menk said :
The heart & mind are connected in an amazing way. They are a very powerful gift of the Almighty through which He tests us. To lead a happy life & ensure success in the hereafter too, we should never allow either of these to be controlled by others no matter who they are. The only exception is revelation from the Almighty via His Messenger pbuh. Many have regretted allowing others access to their hearts & minds.





Some people. When you decided to lower down your ego. Throw away the selfishness. Without a second, they decided to take an advantage on you. It is call, BRUTAL REVENGE! They said pay-back-time is needed. Hurm. I guess. When you bend down and knelt. That is the time when they happy with it. Because it shows that you surrender. But it's okay. Like what Imam Al-Ghazali said  
"Keturunan yang baik. Datangnya daripada keturunan yang bukan bangga akan hartanya, ilmunya dan rupa parasnya. Bahkan ia dinilai dari segi aspek agama, ibadah, keperibadian yang mulia. Tidak membandingkan dirinya dengan orang yang bukan setaraf dengannya. Bergaul sesama manusia tanpa mengira darjat. Jangan banggakan keturunan yang ilmunya tinggi. Setinggi-tinggi ilmu, tinggi akan egonya."

And what has Mufti Ismail Menk said
"A sin could be your weakness, but to force your dependants to sin with you is a heinous crime. A sin could be your weakness, but to be upset when your dependants choose not to sin with you is worse. To force others to please you & ignore what pleases the Almighty is lack of spirituality. Let's make mends."

Let it be. I've made mistake. So do the rest of people. If my mistake is to be seen and judge. I say no more. If that satisfy some of people. Hope you are happy. I can only say "ALLAH MAHA ADIL". I'm not praying bad things. I'm a good person. A good muslimah. To represent yourself as a good muslimah. Be tawadhuk. I'm sorry for the things I have done. And some people don't want to say sorry towards the things that they have done to me. Let ALLAH judge them on that. Tears is a companionship. Pray good things while you can. Hurm... Forgive me Ya Allah..
